Question 16
An ice cream store developed the following graph to advertise its ice cream.
A ) What ice cream store do you believe developed this graph ? Explain.
I think the dairy tasty developed this ice cream because even though they have less the Cool Flavours made it bigger so it looked like Cool Flavours developed the ice cream.
B ) How is this graph misleading .
This graph could be misleading because one ice cream cone is way bigger than the other and it does not show exact information on how big it should be.
Gosh,Darnit you did an AWSOME JOB hahahaha
you got the pictures and colors
awsome job
good job riemer, good pictures and colors.
Good job Riemer, good pictures,colours and information. But use some more space next time.
Riemer good job one using colours and very clear picture to see. Like elijah said you have a lot of space to use so no need to squish it together.
good job Riemer. nice colours and pictures, but yea next time use more space . :)
good job riemer ! good pictures and information , but as what everybody said , you need more space. :)
good job Riemer ! Although you couldve used more space. I agree with Sierra, you should re-word the answer for question A because i cant tell whether youre talking bout "Cool Flavours" or "Dairy Tasty". Your colours were okay but you should make the actual question stand out. You also shouldve showed how you got that answer. Well anyways ill stop bugging you about this and go . Once again good job.
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